It’s not enough to have a website for your small business. Your competitors are likely to have their own websites as well. You may have a lot of visitors, but are they buying your products? This is when you need to focus on your site’s conversion rate. Doing so allows you to convert visitors and hit your sales targets.


These are some practices you can implement to improve website conversion.


Determine Your Strategies

Before you launch any campaign to improve website conversion, make sure to identify the strategies and goals you want to accomplish. Doing so guides your team in decision-making and planning. The approach is different depending on your objectives, these can be outright conversion, providing information, generating leads and others. Once you’re clear about what your intentions are, it will be easier for you to convert visitors into customers because you are aware of where they are in the buyer’s journey.


Make Your Website Visible

Regardless of your chosen niche, you’ll face competitors vying for the same customers. Your small business’ site must be visible to move a visitor down the sales funnel. Use the right set of keywords when making content, whether it’s in written or video form. The appropriate search terms will land a potential customer in one of your site’s pages. Create a Google business profile so that potential customers can learn more about the types of services or products you offer, contact details, and some information about your company.


Use Landing Pages

A specific landing page will lead a potential customer to a part of your website that may contain the product, service, or information they want or need. Use appropriate photos and descriptions to move a visitor closer to conversion. Design your landing pages and their content in a way that frames your products and services as the solution a visitor has been looking for. Include internal links to other pages that may be relevant to a visitor. Add calls-to-actions so that visitors will either buy or look for a product that may be useful to them within your site.


Improve the Stickiness of Your Site

Stickiness refers to the time a visitor spends browsing your content and other pages of your website. The longer they stay the likelier they are to convert. Make your content interesting to pique and then keep the attention of visitors. Focus on creating articles, videos, and images about topics your target audience is interested in.


Don’t Forget to Include a Call-to-Action

A landing page or engaging content will not deliver the results you want if your pages lack a specific call-to-action. You need to guide a visitor towards an action you want them to take, whether you want them to add to their cart or proceed to checkout. Improve website conversion by making these buttons, arrows, or links obvious to visitors by using a distinct color, bigger font or size compared to everything else on a page.


Offer a Guarantee

Provide customers with guarantees such as a detailed return policy and a privacy policy. The former protects a customer from faulty products or poor service, while the latter make sure their personal information is secure from theft. 


These best practices improve the conversion rate of your website. Implement these to turn more site visitors into customers. Focus on enlarging your customer base and converting more customers while you let us update your accounting books. Robookkeeper provides you with quality small business accounting services