Your logo is an integral part of your branding. It impacts brand recall and associations your target audience creates. Some of the best brands have iconic logos that set them apart from the rest such as Apple, Nike, and Adidas. As a growing business, you’ll need to apply the same principles in choosing a logo that works. You can use different logo styles to achieve your objectives.
What are the different logo styles you can use?
Combination of Text and an Image
You’ll need a memorable logo for your branding strategy to succeed. One of the logo styles you can use is a combo of an image and text. It often involves your brand name with a visual element that encapsulates it. This is a common style that other companies use. This style allows you to boost awareness about your brand and its offerings. You can tell your audience who you are without having the need to guess. This works if you plan to introduce your brand to a wider audience that’s unfamiliar with your company.
Negative Space
This logo style provides you with an opportunity to stand out with its simple and sleek look. The negative space surrounding the text or image you want draws the eyes of viewers to it. The space can highlight one or the other (or a combination of them) and allows for some degree of creative interpretation that still associates it with your branding. It takes expertise to pull this off, but if you do, the payoff is worth it.
Use a Mascot
If your company already has a recognizable mascot, you can include it in the logo. The addition of your mascot adds to your brand awareness and the positive associations you want to portray. Your target audience will recognize the mascot when they see it. They’ll already have a clear picture of your company name and will be familiar with the quality of your products and the services you provide.
Brand Initials
Some of the most famous brands only use their initials such as HBO, NBA (National Basketball Association), MLB (Major League Baseball), and others. You can use the same approach when you design a brand logo. However, you’ll need an effective communications and brand awareness campaign to make your target audience associate the initials you use with your company. This takes time and consistent effort to achieve. You’ll need a long-term strategy to make this logo style successful for your business.
Stylized Name and Format
One of the different logo styles you can use is a stylized version of your company name. This is a simple strategy you can implement to improve name recall and brand retention. You can use your company colors in the stylized logo to distinguish it from your competitors. Coca-Cola is one of the most famous brands that use this logo type.
These are the different logo styles you can use when you decide to create one. Identify which style is the most suitable for your branding goals and your target market. If you need assistance with bookkeeping, we at Robookkeeper can assist you. You can focus on designing a logo while we keep your books updated and mistake-free. We provide first-rate bookkeeping services for small business owners.