Your website is one of the success factors you need to work on to grow your small business. Your site contains the products or services you offer customers. The more visitors it gets, the better your chances of making a sale. However, your competitors are also vying for the attention of the same customers. You need to find ways to boost conversion rates whenever your pages get a click. A high conversion rate increases your profits and allows you to reach your sales goals.


Here are some of the techniques you can implement for your small business that boost conversion rates.


De-Clutter Pages

Something as simple as de-cluttering and removing distractions from your web pages can improve customer retention. Information and detail overload can ruin user experience whenever they browse your website. Increase the white space on your pages to direct attention to the content you published. It also makes it easier for users to see your call-to-action. Keep a page simple by focusing on the headline, product features and benefits, and reviews about your products.


Include Logos and Reviews

Improve brand perception and allay any worries about your products by including logos of partners or tools used and testimonials and/or reviews. Reading about the experiences of other users improves the chances that a customer clicks pay now. They want to know more about the features of your product from someone who has already used it. You can include a quote or create a separate page for testimonials and reviews. Make the logos of your partners visible on your pages.


Reduce Form Fields

Gathering data about your customers is one way to learn more about them. Include forms in some of your pages to get information about visitors. However, too many form fields can be intimidating. A person may not bother finishing a form, if it asks for too much information. Reduce the fields of the forms you upload. This increases completion and conversion rates. Limit the information you ask for to essentials that give you a clear picture of the needs, wants and profile of your leads.


Add Pop-Ups

A pop-up can improve your site’s conversion rate if used properly. When you use it, include special promos, discounts, or related products. Don’t just sell, use pop-ups to promote the content you have such as white papers, studies, infographics, videos, or links to articles related to the page a visitor landed on. Make the pop-up easy to close, because not all users want to see one.


Use a Live Chat

Install a live chat for your website. A live person a user can talk to provides you with an opportunity to upsell, answer questions or learn more about the products you offer. You can also get more information about customers when a live person is talking to them.


Improve Copy

The copy of your website is not just about including keywords and boosting page rank, but it is also about conveying your brand’s message, closing a sale, and building authority about a topic. Create posts that are easy to read and use the tone and language of your target audience. Make your pages’ calls-to-action precise and specific. This improves conversion rates and directs a user towards an action you want them to make.


These are some of the techniques you can implement to boost conversion rates. Doing so gives you a competitive advantage and enables you to achieve sales objectives. If you need assistance with updating your accounting books because of your increased sales, we at Robookkeeper can help. We offer first-rate small business accounting services. Reach out to us via [email protected] to learn more about what we can do for you.