Business owners are tapping into the freelance talent pool because of their diverse set of skills and expertise in various industries. However, many companies are doing the same. You have to set your organization apart to attract the best freelancers for the project you want. One of the ways to attract talented freelancers is to gamify your compensation package. Gamification for companies is a creative way for employees (or freelancers) to engage with their company continually and monitor their progress.


Here are some of the tips for hiring freelancers through gamification.


Create a Long-Term Strategic Plan

For the gamification of your compensation package to work, you’ll need to have an overarching long-term strategy. The big picture plan acts as the guideline of your organization and the freelancers you want to hire. This outlines the overall objective of the project you want to start and conclude. This allows you to identify smaller goals and phases that enable your team to complete the project. This approach also makes it easier for you to rectify errors in each step.


Develop a Scorecard and Scoreboard

One of the unique characteristics of gamification is that its reward structure is just like the games you may have played before. You level up, gain points, learn skills and others after accomplishing tasks. Gamify your package by presenting the freelancers on your shortlist with a possible scorecard and scoreboard once they join your team. This includes your current employees and the rewards they may have one for completing a phase of a project.

Clarify the metrics of the scores to show that you’re fair in rewarding each member of the team. These numbers are measurable and easy to monitor so that each one can track their progress. It also motivates your team to do their best, especially if they want the reward at the end of the tasks.


Provide Creative Awards and Titles

Working with freelancers requires you to keep them engaged and interested in their tasks. One of the ways to do this is to come up with unique rewards and titles. Provide rewards such as extra cash, flexible work schedules or locations, longer vacation times and others. Distinct titles create a sense of community that connect the members of your team to each other. An example of a title could be ‘master project manager’ or ‘sorcerer level web developer’-  your imagination is your only limitation.


Celebrate the Whole Team

It is important to reward the best performers, but there should be something in it for everyone else. Participation and engagement are important to the success of any project. Provide tokens for joiners; this shows you value a member’s contribution and they are a part of something bigger.


These are some suggestions on how to gamify the compensation package for freelancers. This entices them to join your company and creates a sense of community among team members. If you’re looking for virtual bookkeepers, you can contact us here at Robookkeeper.