Cash is a vital resource for any business. You’ll need more than enough of it to keep operations going and allow your company to work towards its long-term objectives. You need a liquid business to keep your cash flow positive and raise a budget to implement all your strategies.

What are the best practices that improve business liquidity?


Find Ways to Increase Revenue

You can improve business liquidity when you increase your current revenue stream or add new ones. Focus on your business’ strengths’ so that you can attract and convert more customers through quality products and first-rate services. Add or improve the features of your best-selling products so that they can generate more profits for your company. You can also diversify into complementary and related items and services. This approach enables you to add value whenever a customer makes a purchase. Connect with your audience using all types of content that highlights the benefits of choosing your brand, products, and services. Promote your published content on your social media accounts to reach a wider audience.


Manage Operational Expenses

You’ll need to reduce costs and identify ways your business can save money to improve business liquidity. Look for inefficiencies in the way your team is spending its money and improve them. Consider automating some of your employees’ tasks so that they can concentrate on profitable projects and work. Tools simplify things for everyone in your organization. They also eliminate redundancies in your workforce. This allows you to redirect resources to your services, products, and customer experience. You can also look into cutting back on your fixed expenses such as rent and utilities. Look for a cheaper office that can still accommodate your entire team. You can also consider rotating remote work or a fully remote setup.


Adjust Your Payment Cycle

You can improve business liquidity when you adjust your payment cycle. You can negotiate the prices of deliveries with your suppliers so that you can get a better price, discounts, or a better payment term. You can either pay suppliers earlier or extend the deadline, whichever suits your cash flow needs.


Faster Accounts Receivable Collection

Implement ways that make collecting accounts receivables faster to improve business liquidity. A better collection rate allows you to generate cash for your operations and the other needs of your company. Offer incentives to customers that can pay early. You can offer discounts, better payment terms, and/or a higher credit line for paying before their due date. If you’re going to offer incentives, communicate the policies about it clearly to your customers.


Move Redundant Assets

You might no longer need some of the office equipment you bought, the software you invested in, or the subscription you’ve been using. Consider selling redundant assets and/or cancelling subscriptions and software you no longer need. Look for upgrades that boost the efficiency and productivity of your employees.


These are some of the strategies you can employ that can improve the liquidity of your company. If you need assistance with accounting and bookkeeping, we at Robookkeeper can assist you. Our team offers quality bookkeeping services for small business owners.