Potential customers sometimes decide about whether to purchase or not based on their experience browsing a website. Some of the reasons they decide to leave are slow site load time, lack of product descriptions, poor checkout experience, confusing and cluttered layout, and/or lack of a call-to-action. These potential customers may leave for your competitors. To avoid these problems, you need to update and improve your website.


These are some of the ways to improve a website and achieve your target conversion rates.


Focus on Content

One of the website improvement ideas you should implement is creating and publishing engaging content. Search engines and users want informative, engaging and helpful content, whether it’s videos or long articles. Simply talking about how great your products and services are may turn off potential customers. Soft sell to them by showing your expertise about a certain topic relevant to your target audience. Create blog posts, videos, images or podcasts that discuss solutions, creative ideas or others that may pique the interest of your intended audience. Publish these on your websites, landing pages and social media accounts. Redirect links to products, services or any other page within your web of sites to improve conversion rates.


Improve Website Load Speed

Visitors to a website have plenty of choices on which place to go. They don’t want to spend minutes waiting for a page to finish loading. Slow load times can turn off potential customers. You won’t even have the opportunity to showcase your products or services, if a visitor leaves your site. Improve the load time of your pages by compressing images, reducing the amount of media on a page, and de-cluttering your website are some of the things you can do.


Use White Space

Cluttering your pages with images, videos, text and others is an eye sore. Your visitors may get a confusing message or just don’t like a cluttered look. They might leave your website because of this. One of the ways to improve a website is to maximize white space. Doing so allows a visitor to absorb all the content of a page. You can direct their line of sight to content you want when you use white space effectively. This also improves the readability of text on a page.


Easy to Understand and Catchy Calls-to-Action

Sometimes a visitor doesn’t convert because you failed to direct them to do so. A call-to-action asks a visitor to do something whenever they browse a page. This can be proceeding to checkout, going to another page, referring a similar product to them, or offering a package after they click. A call-to-action needs to be specific, easily identifiable, and easy to understand. Make your CTAs stand out by using a different colored button or link.


Concise Descriptions

Website visitors are impatient, if they don’t see what they are looking for, they’ll move on to the next page or another site. Write concise product descriptions that immediately catches the attention of a reader. Insert keywords, mention main features, and discuss the benefits of using the product on the page.


Consistent Website Design

The design of your website is part of your branding. Use the same colors, layout, heading design, style and tone for all your website’s pages. Consistency makes it easy for your visitors to familiarize themselves with your site and branding.


These are some of the ways to improve a website. Implement these best practices to boost conversion rate, get more site traffic, and achieve your business goals. If ever you need assistance with bookkeeping, we at Robookkeeper can provide you with reliable small business accounting services. Let us handle your accounting books so that you can concentrate on improving your business and website. We have a team of virtual bookkeepers that get the job done.