Hiring freelancers provides your company with plenty of advantages such as first-rate output, professionalism, reduced costs and others. However, you’ll still need to know how to spot a bad freelancer. To reduce the risk of hiring poor performing freelancers, you’ll need to be thorough in interviewing candidates.


Here are freelance interview questions you can ask.


How experienced are you in this type of project?

This interview question allows you to determine the experience level of a candidate for the job you might offer them. When asking freelance questions, you need to know if they have the skills and qualification to meet deadlines, rectify mistakes along the way, overcome potential challenges, adjust when necessary and complete each phase of the project. Ask about the process they use to achieve a task and if they use any tools. These give you a general idea if you can rely on them for the job.


When are you regularly available for communication?

Regular communication is a must for your business partnership with freelancers to work. Discuss the platforms that work best for both parties. This can be via email, Zoom, Skype, messenger or other apps that you use regularly. Establish a schedule on when you should have meetings. If you’re hiring someone from a different time zone, factor this in as well.


How do you deal with challenges?

This is an important question because it shows the attitude and thought process of a candidate. The way they answer will reveal if they are a fit with your company and if they can handle the project. Choose a freelancer that can pinpoint and articulate the main cause of the problems. Ask if they have encountered a similar problem before and how they managed to resolve it.


What are your objectives?

This allows you to determine if the values and goals of a candidate match with your company’s. This provides insights as to what matters to the freelancer you’re interviewing. This also enables you to know if you can help them achieve their career objectives with the project you might award to them.


What are your rates?

Find a rate that is feasible for both you and the candidate. Discuss whether you’ll pay them by the hour, weekly or per completed phase of a project. Determine a payment platform and schedule, and implement these regularly.


These are some of the freelance interview tips you can follow. These provide you with information if they meet your requirements and are a fit with your company’s culture. If you’re looking for virtual accountants, contact us. We at Robookkeeper can connect you with experienced virtual employees.