Social media is a platform that many small businesses use. They do so because it’s a cost-effective way to reach their target audience, sell their products or services, and advertise. However, many entrepreneurs think the same way. You’ll face tough competition even within your chosen niche. You’ll need to expand your reach and connect with your potential customers.


These are practices you can implement to expand your social media reach.


Concentrate on Specific Markets

You won’t be able to convert all the people you engage with online. That’s why it’s important to concentrate your efforts on specific markets. Identify your main audience and determine their pain points. Identify the platform they often use whether it’s Instagram or Facebook. One of the ways you can monitor this is to look at the numbers of the share buttons on your posts. More shares on Facebook, Tweets, reposts and others means that platform is where most of your audience is. Once you determine the platform your market often uses, create content that boost your chances of conversion.


Improve Profiles on Social Media

Your profiles on social media will either attract more visitors or not. Improve your profiles to get noticed, divert more traffic to your sites, and engage your target audience. Create a username that’s easy to remember, include keywords in the content of a page, make an easily recognizable logo, write a call-to-action, and include a link to your site or specific pages within it. These improvements allow a visitor to learn more about your brand and direct them to a page or contact details where they can connect with you.


Publish Evergreen Content

Create content that is relevant to your target audience. Evergreen content provides several benefits; it keeps visitors interested in your brand and directs traffic to your website. Make sure the content is not only informative, but also engaging to boost your social media reach. Identify persistent and common pain points that your audience experiences. Doing so allows you to write a longer post or video about the topic. Cover all aspects of the topic and discuss solutions.


Engage Your Audience

Always engage your followers on social media. Answering their questions, replying to comments and feedback, and sharing user-generated content connect you with your audience. Your rapport with your audience can spread within their networks and enable you to widen your reach. You’ll attract more visitors to your pages that are open to learning more about what your brand has to offer.


Smart Targeting

Your posts won’t be relevant to everyone online. You need to identify your specific market to improve the effectiveness of the content you publish. Study your target audience and determine their characteristics; these can be gender, age, and location, or based on interest, likes, and behavior. Once you use these categories when you create ads, your content will reach the right people and improve the chances of converting them into website visitors if not customers.


These techniques broaden your social media reach. Implement these to achieve some of your business goals such as more website traffic, better conversion rates, and higher visitor engagement. If you need assistance with your bookkeeping, we at Robookkeeper can assist you. We offer reliable small business accounting services for entrepreneurs.